jaguar and spots

Have you heard about the story about why the jaguar has spots on all its body…
this legend is from people of the jungle who lived in Mexico long time ago.

This happened long time ago when animals did not eat to each other. All of them used to live together even the animal that eat meat on this days. But over all of them jaguar was the most proud animal because of its plain yellow skin. jaguar used to presume about its beauty everywhere. It was one afternoon when monkeys and the jaguar were playing but unfortunately one of them threw a fruit on the jaguar skin and got stained. jaguar was really upset and without thinking about consequences killed the monkey and ate it. The other monkeys scared went and complain about what happened with the Lord of the Jungle. He ordered to punish jaguar taking away what he presumed most. Jaguar knew that Lord of the jungle would look for it and hid.
Lord of the jungle ordered to the monkeys to go to the trees and wild pigs to find jaguar, when wild pigs found jaguar they made it run under the trees where monkeys were waiting then they threw fruit over jaguar. From that moment jaguar got spots all over and never forgot what monkeys and wild pigs did. from that moment monkeys and wild pigs are jaguar’s favorite food. Lord of the jungle helped monkeys and gave tail to move on the trees and gave to the wild pigs hard skin and ordered them to walk in herds to have defense against jaguar.

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